40 m

at this depth, you can admire the sea bottom since Crete has the cleanest beaches in Europe
>1000 km

length of the Crete's coastline. Here, you can find white sandy beaches, unusual pink sand beaches, shingle beaches with cliffs, and secret pirate harbours with turquoise water. Everyone will find a beach to his/her liking.
9000 years

the age of the excavation site found under the palace of Knossos, this is the oldest settlement in Europe
We experienced it
Cradle of civilization
It comes as no surprise that Crete is the birthplace of Zeus, the main God in Greek mythology, who owns the whole world. Crete is the scene of many legends and myths, the central trade point between Europe and Asia, the coveted possessions of all Empires.Crete is the largest island in Greece. It plays a significant role in the economy and agricultural production of the country. But it is especially distinguished by the well-developed tourist infrastructure, first-class resorts and beaches with a length of more than 1000 km, which bring a substantial income.

In Crete, you will never feel isolated on a patch of land called an island, because it takes a whole day to drive through the island from west to east along the highway! Quite apart from the fact that you may turn aside from your path and visit the southern, slightly touched by civilization, part. The existence of three international airports (in Heraklion, Chania, and Sitia) highlights the size of the island. In 2019, an agreement on the global reconstruction of the Kasteli Airport (it is located in the central part of the island south of Heraklion) was concluded. It will be transformed into a transnational hub, the largest airport in Southern Europe. This highlights the extreme demand for Crete as the main resort of the Mediterranean region and reminds us again of the central location of the Mediterranean Sea on the World Map and Crete - its central point. Truly, the Island of Abundance in the centre of the Earth!
Автомобильное сообщение с материком поддерживается круглогодично с помощью двух паромов в день, что очень удобно: вы загружаете свой автомобиль на паром в 21:00, удобно располагаетесь в каюте, а в 6 утра следующего дня прибываете в порт Афин, откуда можете поехать по континентальной части дальше в Европу, либо воспользоваться одним из паромов до Италии, быстро пересечь Ионическое море и высадиться, например, в Венеции. Также с Крита можно отправиться на пароме или самолете на другие греческие острова. Многие туристы пользуются круизными судами, чтобы добраться до Крита.
The island attracts not only with its tourist infrastructure but also with its historic sites. Since this is the place where the most ancient Minoan civilization originated. History lovers can find a lot of sights to behold: numerous artefacts found during excavations in Malia, Phaistos, and other ancient cities, Fortezza - the Venetian fortress of Rethymnon, the deepest in Europe Samaria Gorge, the Dictaean Cave, and many other tourist attractions. Therefore, buying real estate on the island, you get a unique opportunity to visit these historic sites at any time.
Buying real estate in Crete, you not only obtain own all-season recreation place but also can earn good money by renting it out. And by so doing, you can quickly recover your expenses for its purchase.

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